Dome Indexing and Display:

Upgrade Notes:

Test site:


                Nina, Jolene, Liz, Carl, Mikki (on behalf of Rob), Beverly

                The subcommittee: Liz, Mikki (convener), Jolene, Carl

 Labels/User Interface:

                Nicole, Carl, Liz, Jolene, Beverly, Bill or possibly Wendy


  • publisher field
  • author browse
  • display fields
  • date issued
  • browse index for creator
  • rights field is not indexed - need to pull records together based on their rights statement (Jolene)


  • The brief record (can be adjusted at the collection level - keep in mind that it will display differently only in that collection but not Dome wide)
  • Need a subcommittee to make recommendations about brief records:
    • We need a default brief record
    • Specific use case recommendations
  • Indexing:
    • Which fields are used for which searches
  • Can we re-index Dome test to experiment or will it affect all of Dome?
  • Are we indexing fields in Dome that are not in use and therefore unnecessary.  would the removal of these make the search go faster?
  • What indexes do we want and which fields do we want mapped to them
  • What do we call these fields (ie. instead of author, browse by creator?)
  • Date Display!!! - can we remove the accessioned date
  • Display item record (re Visual Collections - Aerial Photo)

Subcommittee to-do by 3rd week of July (report out to Nina, Tom, and Ann prior to Ann’s departure):

  • create a spreadsheet:  Old field, new field, label, etc...
  • Recommendations in the area of Mapping, indexing
  • How we label - make sure to communicate to UI group
  • Review the indexing decisions made
  • Default display - browse display record and brief record: pay attention to the template
  • No labels