Last minute updates can occur up to conference day, 6/14/15.  Check here for the most up-to-date information.
Registration and Continental Breakfast Student Street
Welcome! Kirsch Auditorium (32-123)

Sanjay Sarma, Vice President for Open Learning

MIT's Open Learning Mission

Professor Sarma will discuss MIT’s evolving strategy in digital learning. In the last couple of years we have introduced a number of new initiatives: MicroMasters, PK12 Action Group, Bootcamps, Online Professional Education. In addition, he will discuss the whats and the whys, and also speculate on the future.

Sanjay SarmaKirsch Auditorium (32-123)

DUO Security: An Update

This session will cover a short review of Duo, the current status of rollout including students, and some new Duo information.

Matt WollmanKirsch Auditorium (32-123)

Qualtrics at MIT Sloan

The History of Qualtrics @ MIT Sloan and MIT, Survey Best Practices and Upcoming Changes

Alice Downing32-124

Anthony Grutta32-141

PC Lifecycle

  • Managed PC Lifecycle
    • Request, Procurement, and Desktop Renewal
    • Lite Touch
    • WIN Domain & SCCM
    • Retirement
Bill Furtado, Carl Azor, Chris Feller, Bill Brids, Charlie Chhan32-144


Salesforce, a cloud-based platform that provides a number of different services, including customer relationship management (CRM), support ticketing, mass email, and the ability to run custom code, has a growing presence on campus. During this panel discussion, representatives from three DLCs will discuss how they are using Salesforce in their organization, their plans for future work and answer questions from the audience. Anyone that is currently using, or thinking about using Salesforce is encouraged to attend.


Trinidad Carney (
Admissions Assistant, Dean of Undergraduate Admissions
Trinidad joined MIT in 2015 as an administrative assistant in the Office of the Dean for Undergraduate Education. Her main responsibility is helping applicants with the admissions process and is often the first point of contact for prospective students to MIT. She holds an M.A. in Public Relations from Emerson College and a B.A. in Media Communication & American Studies from University College Roosevelt in the Netherlands.

Christine G. Foglia (
Associate Director, Center for Information Systems Research, MIT Sloan
Chris is responsible for administration, financial analysis and control, event planning and sponsor services for the MIT Center for Information Systems Research (CISR). Prior to joining CISR in 1993, she was a program manager at the MIT Alumni Association. She has a Bachelor of Science degree from Lesley University.

James Turitto (
Research Manager, J-PAL Global
James Turitto joined J-PAL in 2013 as a Research Manager working on knowledge management and data quality assurance. Prior to joining J-PAL, James worked on political party and legislative development in South Sudan, conducting public opinion polling to connect policymakers with citizens. He has also conducted policy research at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems in Washington, DC. He holds an M.A. in International Affairs from George Washington University and a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Vermont.


Patrick McNeal (
IT Manager,  J-PAL Global
Patrick McNeal joined J-PAL in 2010 and manages its information technology. Patrick holds an Bachelors of Science degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Michigan. Previously, he worked for both the University of Michigan and MIT's central technology groups. At J-PAL, Patrick's responsibilities include consulting with researchers on using technology in the field, overseeing the design, development and deployment of internal systems, and addressing day-to-day technology issues. 


P. McNeal, T. Carney, C. Foglia, J. Turitto32-155
MITnet: State of the Network
David LaPorte, Director of Infrastructure Design & Engineering and Brian Stephens, Manager of Network Engineering will discuss recent MITnet accomplishments and upgrades as well as what’s in the pipeline for the coming year.
Dave LaPorte, Brian StephensKirsch Auditorium (32-123)

Up Your Training Game

When a new system is rolled out, do you often need to create documentation or demonstrate the system to your team? This session is intended to give you a framework for analyzing your learners' needs,  developing instructional strategies,  and getting off to a good start in the design of your training materials.

Irina Cyr, Betzi Bateman, Bronwen Heuer32-124

A Brief History of SharePoint @ MIT Sloan

Get an in-depth look into Sloan's on premise version of SharePoint and hear about how we utilize the platform. Topics include Portals & Publishing, Workflows and Form Submission, Data, Reporting, Collaboration & Document Management.


Jay Duda32-141

Mac Lifecycle

  • Managed Mac Lifecycle
    • Request, Procurement, and Desktop Renewal
    • Apple DEP
    • Casper
    • Retirement
B. Furtado, C. Azor, T. Yager, B. Brids, C. Chhan32-144

MIT Collaboration Platforms

This session will provide an in depth look of the collaboration and unified communications platforms for MIT.  Technology areas include: voice, video, instant messaging, WebEx, and automatic call distribution solutions. 

John Vosburg32-155

ServiceNow & the Knowledge Base

Our KB has evolved significantly over the last decade. From Hermes, to The Knowledge Base, and now into ServiceNow. We will take a look at where we are today and what the future holds.

Eran Spira, Jozsef DocziKirsch Auditorium (32-123)


Learn how to get up-and-running with Dropbox for Business at MIT. Questions about storage, security, and what’s next for Dropbox for MIT will be covered.  You will also learn about file and folder sharing, collaborative features, creating and managing groups, and Dropbox integration.

Irina Cyr, Garry Zacheiss32-124
A Day in the Life at Sloan: a Technical Perspective

Tan Gopal, Saul Horowitz32-141

Software Distribution

  • Software Licensing & Distribution
    • What is licensed software and how is it maintained
    • What’s the process of purchasing new licensed software
    • Distribution
      • Self Service Apps (Casper/SCCM)
      • Apple VPP
      • Athena
      • Software Grid

Brian Murray, John Fothergill, Tim Yager, Chris Feller


Tech Town: A Blended Learning Community at Sloan

For three years, Sloan Technology Services has been iterating on a support model to leverage video conferencing in the tools we offer for learning. Our guest speakers and remote students have participated in courses from locations ranging from rooftop greenhouses in Toronto to hotel lobbies to domestic airline flights. Our goal is to encourage common use of web collaboration in learning by continuously developing clear and comprehensive protocols with our partners in ODL, MIT AV, and IS&T.


Eli Bouquillon32-155

Security Update

Overview of tools (e.g., Identity Finder, Crowdstrike, Splunk, Sophos), how to respond to suspicious activity, etc. 

Jacob MorzinskiKirsch Auditorium (32-123)
Future of Reporting

Olu Brown32-124

Panel Discussion: Data Storage & Cloud Services

In this moderated discussion, colleagues from IS&T and the OGC will discuss the considerations involved in choosing a hosting strategy for MIT data; topics touched on will include MIT policies around data storage, types of legally regulated data, and service options.


Garry Zacheiss
Director, Platform & Systems Integration
MIT Information Systems & Technology

Dave LaPorte
Director, Infrastructure Design & Engineering
MIT Information Systems & Technology

Jason Baletsa
MIT Office of the General Counsel


Steve Burke
Director of Administrative Computing DUE/DSL
DUE Desktop Support

Garry Zacheiss, Dave LaPorte, Jason Baletsa

WIN Domain/Windows 10

Richard Edelson32-144


Communication through digital signage has become more prevalent in the past several years.  MIT has a large deployment of screens using the Visix platform.  Over 80 displays are now using the system, in diverse areas such as the Infinite Display service (a partnership with Copy Tech and Audio Visual Services), Sloan School of Management, Samberg Conference Center, Resource Development, Housing and Residential Life, MIT Medical, the News Office, the Libraries and many others.  Learn how DLCs can display your content and target your message for your audience, from static slides, videos, web page information and interactive wayfinding.  Full system integration can be provided through Audio Visual Services, including specifying display equipment, signage computer configurations, installations and training.

Lou Graham, John McDonald32-155


QuickBase is a cloud-based collaboration workspace for customizable database applications and web forms. This session will include an overview of QuickBase  functionality and a demonstration of how to use QuickBase to build a simple project management app.

Lisa Robinson, Chris ToewsKirsch Auditorium (32-123)
Using Tableau with Survey Data
Using examples from our work with the Libraries’ triennial survey, we will share tips for preparing survey data for use in Tableau and options for sharing completed visualizations.
Lisa Horowitz, Jennie Murack32-124

The Future of MIT APIs

APIs are everywhere these days, powering your favorite websites and mobile applications. Amber's talk will explore the past, present and future of the MIT APIs and how they are being used within the MIT community.

Amber Bennoui32-141
Office 365

Richard Edelson32-144


Session will provide an overview of the Buy to Pay Redesign Project including community outreach and impact, technology implications, key decisions, customer support, and implementation timeline

Sara Malconian32-155

Jeff Schiller: 5 Years in the Cloud – My experiences with MIT App Inventor

App Inventor was originally developed at Google when Professor Hal Abelson was on sabbatical working at Google Labs. When Hal returned to MIT, he took App Inventor with him, along with the code and the user base. I started working with Hal around that time and have since both developed and operated MIT App Inventor using Cloud Resources.
Today App Inventor has 4+ Million users with a peak (so far) of about 55,000 unique users in one day.
This talk will discuss what has worked well, and what has been challenging with running a largish project using the Cloud.

Jeff SchillerKirsch Auditorium (32-123)

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