1. Plain Talker (Communication)
It’s critical that a project manager be the conduit of all things factual, timely, and relevant. You are responsible for removing any ambiguity or confusion around a project through plain talk and crystal clear communication. A successful project manager also employs a smorgasbord of communication methods ranging from face-to-face meetings to group presentations.
2. Risk Averter (Risk Management)
Identifying, preventing, and mitigating risk is a key responsibility of project managers. You can have the best project plan in the world, but the second it hits the open seas there is danger all around. You need to ensure your project remains viable in the event something catastrophic occurs. This can be accomplished by bringing up the topic of risk every time you meet about your projects.
3. Obstacle Remover (Issues Management)
There are always going to be obstacles that will slow down your project. These typically include delayed approvals, administrative busywork, and making sure everyone has the right equipment and materials to do the job. Do your team a favor and stay one step ahead of them to clear the path. They will appreciate the fact that they can focus on what they do best while you focus on what you do best.
4. Morale Builder (Manage Staff)
The project environment is a pressure cooker. Things may not be going as planned and your team may be buckling. It’s your responsibility to let some of the steam out so that they can get through tough times. Keep your team focused on the end goal, use levity and humor where appropriate, and keep hope and morale high.
5. Bottom Line Focus-er (Manage Schedule/Budget)
Whether your projects bring in revenue or not, it’s your responsibility to keep focused on the bottom line. You can do this in two ways. The first is to ensure you keep you keep your projects within budget. Projects consume resources and resources cost money. You need to be a financial steward of these valuable resources and manage them carefully. Second, always look for opportunities to do things better, faster, and more affordably. Both of these efforts contribute to the bottom line of your company.
What do you get when you focus on the meat and potatoes of these five main responsibilities of a project manager? You become a plain talking, risk averting, obstacle removing, morale-building, bottom-line focused project manager! Who wouldn’t want to have someone like that heading up their next project?
Excerpt from Method123