Basic Naming

A service is available at:


Protocol is HTTP or HTTPS. A secure service is only exposed at over HTTPS. A non-secure service is exposed only over HTTP. No one service can provide functions that either open or secure.


If you are contributing a web service then you have access to that services management console on the development environment at:[ContainerName]-manager/html

And the root application for a given servlet container is at:[ContainerName]-root

The root application is configurable and up to the team that owns the container. Remember that the application server hosts multiple containers so only IPS and your department will have access to your container.

IPS has a standard that requires you to have a monitoring application for your container. It is mapped to:[ContainerName]-monitor

 Monitoring is specified elsewhere.

Database Connectivity

A centralized web-services infrastructure, by it's nature, must talk to many back end system by many various means.

Your system must be hosted by Server Operations in an MIT Data Center for IPS to open a connection. You can request this from

Indexing, ESB, Other Topics

You can use your root application to provide a list of services available in your container. IPS will only document those services designated as "official."

Right now there is no services registry or other automation for listing services available on IPS systems. IPS has begun a project to evaluate and select components to provide these functions.

IPS uses JMX to write instrumentation functions for officially-supported web services at We do not provide this level of integration for all contributed web services. IPS can help a development team develop an application called /monitor.jsp for your own container.  

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