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The Wikis service will be down on Thursday, Oct 15th from 6:00-7:00pm to deploy the Confluence 3.0.2 security patch.
The Wikis service experienced an unexpected service interruption lasting approximately 3.5 hours, starting from approximately 9:00pm on Saturday, October 10th and ending at 12:30am on Sunday, October 11th. We regret any inconvenience to our users and we are taking measures to prevent further outages.
We are pleased to be releasing a Confluence 3.0.1 patch on October 7, 2009 to deploy two fixes addressed by Atlassian:
*When moving wiki pages within or between spaces, attachments will now move with those pages
*User identities within Wikis will be simplified, eliminating the likliehood for Space Admins to see duplicate user emails or IDs