June 23, 2022
- Discussed Dean’s work automating parameter selection
- Central momentum looks good for symmetric angles
- Still thinking about scattered electron energy range
- Talked about background estimation: how do we get random backgrounds? No one has tried yet
- Coordinate system: theta is around horizontal plane, 0 is along beam line and it’s positive and negative out the two sides. Phi is around the z axis and goes from 0 to 2pi: when theta = ~ 1 degree, all values of phi are pointing down the beam line
- Ethan will try to organise wiki into folders
- Ethan brought up abstracts for DNP: how many talks should we submit? We will discuss more in DL meeting on Monday
June 16 2022
Conclusion re scheduling: we will do weekly meetings Discussion on MainzGen
- Ask Jan - no one else knows about the configurations or is using them
- Austin is working on the same problem - we should definitely team up to save everyone time
- No idea re backgrounds Discussion on GEANT4 resolution code
- Ethan merged in various MRs:
- Wouter updating the CI
- Mine with the big merge in from Chenxi
- Lots of cleaning from Chenxi. E.g. checking that
- Add to spring cleaning wishlist: path management for inputs and outputs Discussion on accelerator sim
- Was tip from Wouter useful to get things working? No -> different error.
- FLUKA: Not Aveen's job, TRIUMF should hire an expert
- Task for Kate: unstick Geant workflow somehow on Cedar
- Aveen is working in beam optics model now that she has details for new quadrupole Discussion on workflows
- Task for Kate: make instructions on how to do development so we don't diverge New student: Austin is working on the GEANT code Austin and Chenxi should be working together, and Chenxi's ongoing task is magnet stuff in the resolution code Jan wanted to see if we could run the generator and see if Austin can do the analysis on that. So that is with MainzGen.
Minutes not taken for earlier meetings.