Note: 5 People Attended
Release Ball Project Update: Patrick McNeal
- Looking at the pain points in the software release process and the entire service release process
- Team has representatives from all directorates
- CSS is Oliver and Chris
- Team drafted proposal for different process steps and presented to directors this week
- Patrick did not have the directors feedback yet
Some findings so far:
- Previous model was heavy and did not fit all versions (sizes)
- Would like a model with different sizes: small (update links), medium, large (operating system)
- Will pilot the process if directors approve
Problems identified: Ownership, Funding, Support
- Funding
- Ownership - owners are not identified such as Microsoft office, current state of Linux
- Some current owners do not want to remain as owners
- Documentation and relying on vendors
- Need to re-visit support model - what does support mean
- Need to look at portfolio of software
- Nice to have metrics to make decisions
- Should we customize less and is it better to go with vendor installs
Virtual Project: Jonathan Hunt
Please see project wiki:
This project will bring together 3 separate related projects across IS&T involving the deployment of virtual machines (VMs) to the community into one shared framework and base that can be leveraged for each need and supported and maintained effectively by IS&T.
- Looking at VM as a service effort in CSS
- Collaborative effort that involves ISDA & OIS
- Admin VM will include Outlook 2007
- Working on color coded backgrounds based on Admin or Student VM images with versions - will help with support
- Goal is to create an industry standard technique
- Jonathan did a demo for the group
- Will start limited trials this summer
- Fall available to students and maybe earlier for Admin Staff
- Will have a Welcome Page, baseline requirements, instructions, warnings
General Meeting Feedback:
- Liked the project presentations, would like to continue with that type of sharing
- The group felt that we need the managers in the room for input and discussion
- If the managers have a conflict, we should reschedule