CSS Leaders Team – original definition from WIKI
The purposes of these meetings are threefold: to share information, have the opportunity to give input and participate in the decision making process, and leadership development.
Conversation starter:
Kick-off meeting was June 29, 2009
- we set meeting time for every 2 weeks > we are loosing energy? Should we make it a MONTHLY Meeting?
- should we still do every 2 weeks alternating core team/working group meeting + larger team?
- what about # of people in the group? Does it limit productivity? Should we be productive on these meetings or stick to information sharing / project updates / discussing smoldering issues?
- Rotating every 2 weeks or monthly > no momentum for facilitator(s). May rotate in a semester basis?
- Lunch time or find other possible time slot?
Meeting Comments:
- Monthly meeting was our decision at first, with initial sessions every 2 weeks just to start up
- Having a working group work meet in between the 1 month schedule may be a good idea
- We should wrap up what we started: core services -> it did go to senior staff, though they have not addressed it yet
- Working group structure:
o Thematic working groups (everyone belongs to one) > bring to monthly meeting where each “theme” stands, provide update. This would allow us to work on parallel topics
o Or should we do groups working on 1 topic at a time
- on monthly meetings it would be useful to get updates on where Senior Staff / Marilyn stands
- Defining core services would define some topics but we have gotten lost in the defining work, it took too long
- How to structure the meeting so we get the right amount of information, right timing etc.?
o e.g. yesterday's project review meeting, lot of us didn’t know about it so sharing that information here would be good
- In CSS there are a lot of smaller projects. Have this group be a sponsor for a few projects.
- Looking at the 3 goals (purpose of team):
o Being prepared for updates is important so it goes faster.
o Decision making
o Structured leadership development (it should be a project?), having facilitate some meetings may not be the best way to do it
- In CSS we have various "activities": could benefit if we treat them as projects. It would bring in the sponsorship piece and would help with resolution > presentation to senior staff would be easier.
- Is it viable to come up with a decision on the meeting? If so that decision needs to be executed to make changes > rather than making decision the meeting should help with MAKING the decision (support information etc.)
- Where is this group in the vertical communication path Manager < - > TL < - > Staff? Does this group cuts out the vertical communication manager/TL/ staff?
- Group should set priorities where CSS stands > this may be too high level we should be more concrete
-This meeting is helpful to meet with other TLs. > Managers set up separate time (coffee) to do updates on each others area
- HQ team is one place who needs to know where are resources available in the organization. They were working on creating a way of doing it (setting up a calendar with concrete events) or doing a Resource planning meeting for TLs > would this be useful? Is it just another meeting?
o Some areas don’t have TLs + if there are decisions need to be made about dedicating resources we would need to bring in managers as well.
- Having a useful meeting would make it not “just another meeting”
- Update from Barbara is important. She could be the moving force. Then information sharing, round table.
- Who owns the meeting > Barbara? -> she should be the Sponsor
- Who set the agenda, sends reminders etc? -> HQ team/Pat volunteered to take ownership but can delegate to people in the group. "Meeting manager": make sure we have agenda topics, reminders sent out, facilitate etc.
Identified framework to go forward:
o 15 minutes lunch/socializing
o 1st item: update from Barbara (10-15 minutes) - sponsor
o Others can be plug ins with agenda items (limit for 2-3 items/meeting)
o End of meeting > decide on at least 1-2 agenda items for next meeting
o E.g. ticketing, billing, KB management, software release, metrics etc. (these involve all CSS areas)
We are moving to monthly meeting: First Wednesday of every month > Pat will delete current meeting and reschedule starting 1/6/2010
Location: N42. Can we use the Demo Center? > Lunch time booking was in conflict with Quick Start. Mark will assist with booking.
Lunch: starting with brown bag
TOPICS for 1/6/2010:
- Software release – open discussion + Pat/Deb to facilitate
- Project initiation – open discussion + Steve Winig to facilitate
- Budget update - Anne
Jozsef Doczi
Those who were absent today can make comments...
Steven R Winig
Looks like a great meeting - I'm sorry that I missed it. I'm also amused that, although absent, I was assigned an action item (in fairness, Jozsef reached out to me to give me a heads up and provided some useful context - so thanks Jozsef).
From a communications standpoint, if we are moving to a monthly meeting, but interested in additional communication, did we discuss alternative methods of communication (e.g., using the email list, disseminating information from managers to team leads to staff, Wikis, etc)?
Christopher Lavallee
I also think it looks really good. I saw that the working group idea and structure was mentioned with a couple options, but I don't see anything further on it. Was a path decided on this or will it depend on the issues/topics raised that the working groups would need to deal with. I could see one method working for some topics and the other method working for others. I would vote to keep that flexible and decide on the method of working group when it comes up for a specific topic.