present: Ann, Elaine, Peter, Ranjani, Kris, Kate, Molly
We'll be looking at Kate and Ranjani's work to develop the content and design of the site.
Feedback and comments from the review were:
1.) " >MIT site
>External sites"
these should be different (maybe bigger) from the other text, and separate from it.
2.) People like the vertical diamonds for rest of the pages on the site. Also like the idea of adding brand logos when possible (ie MIT World, OCW< etc.)
3.) In the Video Conference section reverse the order so "DIY" is first, and more prominent.
4.) Unaffiliated pages like "privacy" and "accessibility" could fit into the planning page's structure
5.) Refine layout so that we don't see on portal home page: Plan twie and caputre twice, etc.
6.) Chagne wording so that Make becomes Create, and Video Conference becomes Conferencing and Distance Educaiton becomes Distance Learning
Additional ideas, not for this cycle:
A.) Have search items feed the user into the faq list.
B.) Have a suggestion box.
C.) Periodically ping the people who answer the 'video help' email to see what issues and patterns are emerging.
Next meeting
Tuesday May 25 at 4 pm with Steve and Oliver, meeting at OCW.