Our computer prototype is best viewed in Chrome. It can be found here: wishdex.com.
The parts of our prototype that are canned include the following:
- Logging in is not yet supported. A default user "Tim the Beaver" is logged in on all pages currently.
- Actions that should save state do not, such as
- commenting on items
- liking items
- adding items to a wishdex
- Only one user's wishdexes can be viewed: Maggie.
- Only one possible item can be added.
- Changing attributes of an item pops up an alert for now.
Ashutosh Singhal
The item pages are also currently hard linked, and therefore clicking on some links will not show the correct item.
Anh Dang Viet Nguyen
Comments 1:
Nice visual design, with lots of nice images. However, the interface suffers from some learnability and consistency issues. Like, what does it mean to click an item from "Popular Items" and claim it? Doesn't "claiming" only make sense from a specific wishdex? Also, minor nitpick is that none of the links or actionable items on the screen have affordances for doing so.
Comments 2:
- Nice layout, convenient categories on the left.
- Add/search worked!
- No place to see a list of items you claimed? no button for Wish?
- Friend page?
- Wishdex owners info when browsing?
- Homescreen, for more efficient browse, can hover mouse left or right (ex: project BIY: http://bettergui.com/Work/BIY/BIY.html )