GR4 — Computer Prototype
- Visit the login page.
- After creating an account (or logging in), edit your contact info, then view your resume.
- View is canned.
- Education/Experience section un-editable (experience is the same as the contact info). Additionally, add another unimplemented.
- No feedback available for the "add media" link
- No information is saved.
- No accounts created
- Information lost once you navigate away
1 Comment
Unknown User (
looks pretty good!
some things I would like to have seen (we discusssed some of these already):
- how does the interface for editing Education or Experience let you add multiple bulletpoints? (for that matter, how do you add more than two address types when editing the personal information?) It would have been nice to see how these are meant to work in this prototype, since the whole interface centers around adding stuff to my resume
- the "Add media" icon in the lower left is a bit odd -- would be nice to have experienced how adding media would feel when editing Education or Experience (where will the interface end up being for adding media?)
- the "Add media" dialog itself could use some graphic design -- all the widgets seem packed together (also, maybe say "Add" instead of "Save")
- how do I remove an Education or Experience?
- clicking the picture when editing my personal information seems like it should pop up an upload box
- would be nice if the tabs at the top worked (or at least pretended to do something ;)