html: Security restricted macro is not allowed. An edit restriction is required that matches the macro authorization list.

<A href="" mce_href="../../../../../../../../../display/6DOT813sp13/write%28%27now%27%29+Main+Page"><IMG mce_src="" src="" width="400px"></IMG></A>

html: Security restricted macro is not allowed. An edit restriction is required that matches the macro authorization list.

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<LI id="li"><A href="" id="a" mce_href="#home">Home</A></LI>
<LI id="li"><A href="" id="a" mce_href="#news">GR1</A></LI>
<LI id="li"><A href="" id="a" mce_href="#contact">GR2</A></LI>
<LI id="li"><A href="" id="a" mce_href="#contact">GR3</A></LI>
<LI id="li"><A href="" id="a" mce_href="#contact">GR4</A></LI>
<LI id="li"><A href="" id="a" mce_href="#contact">GR5</A></LI>
<LI id="li"><A href="" id="a" mce_href="#contact">GR6</A></LI>

Working Implementation

Home Page
  • Resolution of at least 1366x768
  • Windows 7 and above or Mac OSX
  • Google Chrome
  • Clara
    • Implemented user profiles using MongoLab RESTful API, including color coding, sorting and user stat generation.
  • Kim
    • Implemented user logins and accounts. Created heroku framework, with tools including node.js, MongoLab and express
  • Tim
    • Implemented Battle, Freestyle and Vote pages using MongoLab API.
  • No labels