- Browser: Google Chrome
- Platform: Windows
- Recommended Resolution: ~1366x768
- Visit StudentSearch at
- If necessary, reset the browser's zoom using ctrl+0.
Shallow Portions of Prototype
Search Results
- Students are not realistic in name nor picture
- Sometimes when searching or selecting/unselecting a user, the student cards will flicker
- Needs some form of student card indicators for already-emailed students
- No search results heuristics/ordering for best candidates shown first
Adding Requirements
- AND clauses inside of OR clauses do not render differently in the UI
- Autocomplete does not try to suggest "OR 6.831" if you enter 6.813 (so class aliases are not supported yet)
- No shortcut to undo most recently added condition
- "View Hidden Students" student cards do not have a "See Details" buttons
Overall webpage
- Skips login system for e-mail functionality and possible saved searches
- Non-responsive design (i.e. doesn't adjust results per page based on window size)
{"serverDuration": 127, "requestCorrelationId": "c55ac60f702b7869"}
Unknown User (
Ariel Anders Heuristic Evaluation HW2.pdf
Franck Dernoncourt
My comments are attached. :) Good job! My lab would definitely be interested in such an application. HW2-Franck.pdf
PS: I have destroyed Ariel's attachment, here is Ariel's feedback: (One more catastrophic point for Confluence.... not even a warning when uploading a file with the same name)
Chong-U Lim
Wiki presentation: - Clear instructions, requirements and description of the prototype system. Good!
Fidelity: - Implementation covers scenario. Good!
'- Implementation also looks to incorporate design decisions from GR3. Good!
Usability: - Learnability for how to use the searches for AND/OR searches is very well done. Learning by doing is made much easier. Good!
'- I think the phrase '(Click student(s) to select.) looks a little out of place. Perhaps use a slightly smaller font-size, slightly lighter font-color, and place it below the word Matches. Mabe you don't even need that instruction at all.
'- Make use of more contrast to differentiate Headings from body text (e.g., "Enter Search Requirements vs. Courses/Skills)
'- Each student's profile could do with better layout of whitespace to visually differentiate the different bits of details that are present. For exsample, maybe just keep the name and course flushed to the right, and push Interests onto a new line.
'- I think when clicking on the "see details" button, the page that comes up could be spruced up a little better. The laying out of items clumps everthing to the top half of the dialog, leaving a lot of unused space. Maybe center the image, or something to make it easier to scan through. Use grids to layout the different categories of information, and maybe courses should be listed on a new line for each since they are all numbers.
'- The close button is pretty small on that dialog too, perhaps make it a little bigger, and reveal more affordance as a button.
'- More contrast, visual idstinction between the user's name,current academic level (e.g., Senior, Junior) and the course would be good.
'- Maybe provide links from the courses to their respective Stellar pages? (might not remember what 6.824 is, for instance)
Francisco V Saldana
Nice work :) Homework 2---Heuristic Evaluation.pdf
Unknown User (
Good job. 6813_HW2.pdf