Platform and Software Requirements
- Mobile upload best on iPhone using Google Chrome browser.
- Desktop site best viewed full screen on Google Chrome browser.
Accessing the Prototype
- Mobile IP address:
- Desktop IP address:
Prototype Limitations
- Most states do not persist after the reload of a page
- Dragging and dropping images does not actually add them to the playlists yet
- Videos cannot be interacted with other than playing them
- See all filters do not function properly to filter mosaic by that section
Unknown User (
This is my heuristic evaluation of your website. Good job on the site! Let me know if you have questions.
Unknown User (
Heuristic evaluation attached.
HW2 Heuristic Evaluation Yihua Li.pdf.
Chong-U Lim
Wiki presentation: - Apart from listing unavailable features, it would be good to differentiate and distinguishing between the functionality that adds to breadth and functionality that adds to depth.
Fidelity: - The implementation covers the task outlined in the scenario of GR2. However, it involves a different event (ther is no pictures associated with the child's birthday)
'- No sign of adding tags to images. (not mentioned as being left out either)
'- I think that the functionality should really have included adding selected items into the playlists and reflecting the changes. You could have mocked/hard coded the images to always be the same ones returned in the playlist, but this would have shown the functionality of your system based on your problem statement/designs.
Usability: - Not immediately obvious to the user that they had to use drag and drop to move the pictures
'- The albums and playlists should probbly be located in separated divs. They are semantically different, and functionally different too (you can not drag and drop images into albums, but you can do onto playlists)
' Perhaps some way to having a trash bin so that you can recover accidentally removed content would be a good idea.
'- There should be some where of viewing bigger and higher-resolution version of the thumbnails of the images.
'- Any reason why Home is not the default menu seen, and browse is?
Overall: - There were some some designs/functionality raised in earlier GRs that would have improved the stretch of this application (mosaic layout for sorting things according to their popularity, etc.)