Working Project URL
Desktop URL:
Please use Chrome for the Desktop URL
Mobile URL:
Please use Safari on an iPhone
Updated Tasks
General Background
- You, Bob Smith, and your spouse, Alice Smith, are the proud parents of Harry and Hermione.
- You and your spouse each have accounts on CoShare
- CoShare recognizes you as a couple and already knows of your two children.
Task 1 - Bulk upload and organize content from desktop
- There are some new pictures from the past week you want to upload to CoShare, located at **.
- Go to CoShare’s Desktop Site for this task.
- Using as your email address and password as your password to login.
- Upload these pictures, located at: **
- Organize them by:
- Adding the pictures of Harry to his album
- You didn’t know enough about Hermione's pictures, so add them to your spouse’s queue.
- Add the pictures into other albums based on their activities
Task 2 - Retrieve content added by spouse
You were unfortunately unable to attend Harry’s soccer match, but your spouse was there and has uploaded the pictures and videos to CoShare.
Go to CoShare’s Desktop Site for this task.
- Locate these pictures (note: there are soccer pictures with a man on there, although it might not necessarily look like the rest of Harry's pictures)
- Mark three as favorited
- Watch the video of Harry scoring a goal
Task 3 - Mobile upload and desktop refinement
You just snapped a cool picture of Hermione at and want to upload it to CoShare, but with so much going on, you don’t have the time to be on your phone for too long. You would also like to fully organize this picture later when you are on your desktop.
- Upload this picture from your iPhone to CoShare’s Mobile Site. The picture is located at:
- Login to CoShare’s Desktop Site to refine this content by:
- Giving it a description
- Placing in at least one appropriate album
Justin Helbert
- Wrote upload modals which display selected files and allow users to upload content to site
- Wrote Django backend for site
- Wrote code for various javascript functions that update backend (undo, add content, remove content)
- Wrote functionality that populated special albums (Recently Added, Recently Favorited)
Joe Henke
- Incorporated Packery layout library for browsing images.
- Incorporated zoom slider and linked to Packery behavior.
- Helped incorporate Intro.js
- Incorporated jQueryUI drag and drop of content onto albums.
- Wrote models and event handler for frontend MVC framework.
- Implemented landing page.
Kenny Siebert
- Implemented modal for a given picture including related albums functionality
- Implemented full screen viewing of content
- Wrote model for children and added functionality to support children albums
- Implemented control to favorite content and updated respective albums when content is favorited
- Assisted in debugging issues from several parts of the site
Parker Tew
- Setup initial layout with Twitter-Bootstrap tailoring it to meet our needs
- Implemented all features and styling associated with the album sections
- Implemented editing the description for the content modal
- Assisted in overall debugging throughout multiple areas of site functionality
TA Comments from Demo
Positive Comments
- Undo functionality is a good feature.
- Queue system is clearer, especially the notification on the home page.
- Combining mobile and desktop is great too.
Suggestions for Testing
- Create user accounts for our testers with the appropriate number of children
- Populate with fewer images to avoid overloading the user.