Charitable Connections

Website URL:


Google Chrome

Individual Contributions

Everyone: We all worked on designing the color scheme, text sizes and fonts.  The home page was a collaborative effort.


  • Business Suggestions: Including all businesses on the backend, ajax calls etc
  • Login: Implemented login on serverside and frontend
  • Server: Setup node.js server to handle ajax calls, gets, posts etc as well as serve static content.
  • MongoDB:  Implemented database design to store users, events, messages and businesses
  • Heroku: Setup website to be run on Heroku's webserver
  • Other: Various other bug fixes


  • Event Creation: Implemented and reorganized the look of the event creation page
  • Design: Put together home page graphic, favicon, designed background texture


  • My Events
    • Determined what the page's content should be
    • Designed and implemented tabular structure and layout of each individual tab's page
    • Connected front-end message and event display to Gil's backend
    • Incorporated d3 data-visualization libraries* *
  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Unknown User (

    • Presentation:
      • The main feature of your website is matching the user's event description with businesses likely to donate.
      • Having a concrete example of an event that matches a business might have made the tour more directed and compelling
      • For example, a sporting event for the Red Cross, which matches places like REI, Cambridge Bicycle and The Coop.
    • Usability:
      • Event Creation:
        • Good visual event creation process. Color scheme and logo looks good.
        • You should make sure your site's vocabulary of events is as complete as possible.
          • For example, making sure that the event type captures all event types you can imagine, and similarly for donation types.
          • For other event information that isn't relevant to the search for businesses (e.g. charity), make sure users can enter what they want, if it isn't in your list.
        • Search box doesn't clear when moving between information types (e.g. 'red' stays when moving from charity to event type).
      • Business Matching:
        • In the detailed business info for each business, give the user more feedback on why a business is considered a match (e.g. on the basis of event type).
        • Business information and 'Compose Message' button should be gridded so it's easier to process.
        • Adding businesses to a message should be more direct (e.g. change compose message to 'add to message').
        • The help tooltip should appear on hover (not require click). Consider putting this very useful information right in the message box, to guide the user.
        • There's no feedback when sending a message.
      • Other / My Events:
        • Should events have names?
        • There is no way to navigate back and edit event information (e.g. in case I asked for a donation type that yields no results). Clicking back in the browser erases all the event information.
        • My Events page should show event information, not just messages.
    • Completeness:
      • My Events page is mostly unimplemented (no visualizations, doesn't show event information, clicking a message doesn't show anything in the right pane for me).
      • There is a lack of real data or examples that would make the site and it's main contribution (matching events and businesses) more convincing.