GR4 Computer Prototype: ArtUP
System Requirements
Chrome (26 versions), Safari ( versions) on Mac-OS (Snow leopard or lion).
The following pages are implemented:
Incomplete Parts of the Prototype
The following features are not implemented:
- Technique search
- Log in via facebook/google
- Choice of other techniques
- Realtime feedback
- Account page set
- Levels choice
- Buttons and connections to other pages
Describe which parts of the prototype are shallow (incompletely implemented or canned), so that your evaluators know what should work and what shouldn't.
Ido Efrati
HW2-ido efrati.pdf
Unknown User (
Unknown User (
Unknown User (
Sarah E Lehmann
Wiki presentation: You didn't really describe in any amount of detail which parts of your prototype are incomplete.
Fidelity: Because none of your pages are linked together, it's difficult to see how these pages will flow together. Also, you can't complete any of the tasks from your GR2 scenario-remember that we wanted your prototype to be able to run all of the tasks, even if most of the process was canned. I definitely would have liked to see more from this prototype, especially when it comes to the actual drawing part of your UI. There also seems to be no final structure to your layout-everything seems haphazardly placed on the page.
Usability: Your prototype is optimized for a very large screen, making a lot of the information invisible on small screens (I barely have enough room on my 24"" monitor to show everything). There are many alignment issues on all of the pages. Because none of the buttons work, it is difficult to tell which UI elements will be clickable. The notion of level is lost on me, but this could be because I'm not quite sure what technique we're looking at on this page. On the profile page, it's unclear what everything is (I see possibly a profile picture, a picture under ""Social"" which I don't know the relevance of, and a list of unnamed techniques).