The platform and software requirements for the prototype are Firefox version 3+.

To start up the prototype, first go to

You are the new house manager of the dorm Dartmoor.  You are taking over from Greg, who was not very organized.  You want to keep organized, and so decide to use HManager.  

Task 1: Make the student request on floor 3 with a description of "flooded hallway" into a project.

Task 2: Update the status of the project with description of "new furniture" to completed.

Task 3: Add new project that costs $500.00 with a start date of Monday and estimated completion date 4/1/2012.

Task 4: Check building status and budget.

These parts are canned and incompletely implemented

The data inherent in the site is canned.  


  • After adding new projects, other pages will not be affected.
  • When you add a new project, the table of projects is not changed
  • From the student project page you cannot add a project

The incompletely implemented parts are as follows:

  • When you click a new student request, the data should appear in the add new project box, but does not yet do that.
  • In budget, the exporting as excel file is not implemented yet.
  • When you edit a project, the data in the table will not change. 
  • The building status page is completely uninteractive; it just displays a static table of the building's status as a certain point in time.

Heuristic Evaluations

  • No labels