Blog from September, 2018

First draft of the Yo-Yo CAD

The images above are the first drafts of our chosen yo-yo theme: The Bitcoin Yo-Yo!




  • The yo-yo will be comprised of four parts, all injection molded
  • Black snap fit on the Bitcoin logo side
  • The color scheme will be black and gold
  • Shape: The shape will be like that of a dome- sketch below


The Yo-Yos will be held with a casing made through thermoforming. The details and design for that component are still TBD.


The Bitcoin logo will be extruded and integrated as part of the dome, thus, it will be injection molded as one in the gold color. The non-extruded area will then be filled with a black snap fit. Finally, there will be a gold colored rim.


Side 2: Bitcoin stock

This side of the the yo-yo will have the tracing of the Bitcoin stock at the moment. The lines representing the stock will have a channel in which a liquid with gold glitter (like that in snow globes) will be inserted and will be able to move around freely within the channel.  

Example of glitter in a globe

As with the dome in side 1, this part will be injection molded and a black filling will be placed on top of this dome. Finally, a gold rim will be placed. 


That's it for now!



Go Team Tropical Escape!








Initial Concepts

This the first set of deliverables, and the second blog post, in which we share our team ideas for the yo-yo project through sketches.

Globe yo-yo

This globe yo-yo would have each of the faces have one side of the globe.



Cryptocurrency yo-yo



What better way to join the cryptocurrency movement than to build a Bitcoin yo-yo? On one side we would have the Bitcoin logo and on the other the stock market for Bitcoin.


MIT Beaver

We're looking to showcase school spirit with this yo-yo! On one side we would have our mascot's face and on the other the MIT logo.


Porgs from Star Wars

Who doesn't like Star Wars?!? We're looking to showcase Porgs by having its face on one side and its wings on the back side.


 Poker chip yo-yo

The poker chip yo-yo would have a series of extrusions each specific to a section (ex. spade symbol, middle of the poker chip, etc.). The details of the yo-yo, such as the spade symbol, would be inspired by MIT. 



Inspired by the tropical islands in the Caribbean, this yo-yo would feature pineapples and palm trees.









Tropical Escape

Team Tropical Escape!

From left to right: Jeremy Noel, Susan Yoon, Ethan Perrin, Anna Yoon, Nina Fraticelli-Guzman, Mitchell Guillaume.


Welcome to the Team Tropical Escape 2.008 yo-yo blog!


We are a group of undergraduate mechanical engineering juniors and seniors at MIT who happen to all want to build a cryptocurrency themed

yo-yo! We come from a variety of backgrounds, experiences, and places, and though we all have different interests, what we do have in common

is our excitement for mechanical engineering and enthusiasm to build a great yo-yo. Please continue following this blog so you can see the

entire development of our cryptocurrency yo-yo. Who knows, maybe the entire production of this bitcoin inspired project could provide us with

enough money for a tropical escape!