Organization of the Powerpoint
1.Our Goal--> Prove: closed areas for maritime Canada and New England are an important tool for creating a sustainable Cod fishery (Title slide of Powerpoint).
2. Definitions (Closed Area, show what area we are focusing on- i.e. maps)
3. Past Failures/Successes of Closed Areas
4. Present Data (migratory patterns, spawning areas and times, life cycle of cod)
5. Show which areas we thinks should be closed, and why (refer to data previously presented) --> show general area and an estimation of size
6. Economics (pros/cons of closed areas, + rebuttal)
7. End Slide: Works Cited (Use End Notes in MLA format)
Vrajesh: past successes and failures
Adam: Solutions
Cydnie: Cod Life cycle/migration/spawning
Questions answered by:
Alex J, Sean, Alex P
Info we can use:
- Definitions
- Limited Fishing
- Fish size
- All Fishing
- Limited Fishing
- We will need to address the fact the GIS does NOT indicate that the closed areas did much good for Cod (the problem is that Cod move)
- Hence, we will use shifting closed areas--move the closures to match the location of the cod
- Protect areas with higher densities of Cod--we want to protect the areas of the population that are reproducing
- Protect the extremes, and they will help the middle
- Because the cod move, closed areas are not THE solution, they are a part of the solution
- We will need to discuss the economic arguments
- Reducing the effort by reducing the number of fishing vessels will increase vessel efficency by weeding out older boats
- Large closed areas and fleet reductions will create a significant reduction in fish mortality and stocks will recover. (from Defra)