Widget Connector
The Widget Connector plugin provides a simple way to connect Wikis to widget services on the web.
- Play videos from Youtube, MySpace Video, Google Video, Episodic, Vimeo, Metacafe, BlipTV and Viddler
- Click through photo slideshows from Flickr and Skitch
- Display updates from Twitter and FriendFeed
- View documents from Slideshare, Sliderocket, Scribd, Google Docs (Presentations)
- Embed Google Gadgets like calendars, stocks, weather and sports scores.
This plugin includes the following macros:
- widget - Embeds a widget into a Wiki page.
Provides a simple way to connect Wikis to widget services on the web. The following 'widgets' can be displayed by the Widget Connector:
- Gadgets: Google Gadgets.
- Videos: YouTube, MySpace Video, Google Video, Episodic, Vimeo, Metacafe, blip.tv, Viddler.
- Photos and images: Flickr, Skitch.com.
- Micro-blogging: Twitter, FriendFeed.
- Documents and presentations: SlideShare, SlideRocket, Scribd, presentations on Google Docs.
The Code
Google Gadget:
YouTube Video:
Result"> Result
Parameters"> Parameters
Unknown macro: {roundrect}