Charitable Connections
Group Members
- Emily Kuo (ekuo8)
- Gil O'Neil (goneil)
- Max Stein-Golenbock (msteing)
GR1 - User Observation and Analysis
GR2 - Designs
GR3 - Paper Prototyping
GR4 - Computer Prototype
GR5 - Implementation
GR6 - User Testing
GR3: Paper Prototyping
Prototype Photos">Prototype Photos
Unknown macro: {align} Start Screen |
Unknown macro: {align} Event Creation (Donations Step) |
Unknown macro: {align} Business Suggestions |
You are hosting a sports related charity event for the charity of your choice, and you are looking to connect with businesses that will donate to your event
Scenario Tasks">Scenario Tasks
- Create a sports related event
- Choose two businesses you'd like donations from
- Contact those businesses for donations
- Event Creation:
- There were issues with instructions for each step
- All users weren't sure how many items they could choose for each step or whether they had to choose anything at all
- User 1 skipped over Event Type
- User 2 selected multiple charities
- It was unclear to User 3 why Event Theme and Event Type were grouped together.
- Business Suggestion:
- The Business Suggestion page was difficult to navigate
- Users 2 and 3 weren't quite sure how the main gallery portion worked.
- User 1 didn't know where to click to contact the business
- No user notieced that they could click the question mark in the upper right hand corner to get help writing their message
- Overall: It seemed unclear why the user had to go through creating an event. User 3 felt that there was no point creating the event if all that was being done was contacting a business