Moving Orders from Brief Records to Full Catalog Records
Getting Records into Edit Mode
- In the Search tab, choose the Find mode. Search for the full catalog record by OCLC number.
- In the top window, click Catalog to push to Edit Record mode (on the Records tab). Make sure you are in Split editor mode (3rd icon on upper left). Your catalog record should appear on one side of the screen and a blank window on the other.
- Click inside the blank window to activate it.
- Return to Find tab and call up brief record by barcode.
- Again, click Catalog to push to Records tab. You should now see the catalog record and the brief record side by side.
Moving the Order
- On the toolbar at upper right, click Overview Tree icon.
- In Overview Tree, expand MIT50 for both records. Then expand Orders (you only need to do this for the brief record, but it’s easier to see what’s going on if you do it for both records).
To determine which record is the brief and which is the full, check the title bar for the record title, or look at the Holdings node: the full record will have the (linked) barcode under Holdings and the brief record will have the (unlinked) barcode under Items.
- Drag the brief record Order to the full record Order.
Get rid of brief ADM and BIB records
- Double-click on MIT50 (ADM) on the side tree.
- Delete ADM record. (Ctrl + R as before)
- Delete BIB record. (Ctrl + R)
Link Item and Holding
- In side tree, expand MIT50 and double-click on Items to pull up Items tab.
- Highlight unlinked item in Items list.
- In lower window, choose Tab 6, HOL Links.
- Click the Link button on right side of window.
Additional steps for continuations
- Click on Tab 2, General information (1), in the lower window. Add volume designation in the Description box.
- Return to Records tab to edit bib. record.
{"serverDuration": 96, "requestCorrelationId": "5d4acb15dd0e1f41"}