These are the notes I (Veronica) am passing on to the next Publicity Coordinator on how I did Announcements. This certainly isn't the only way to do announcements, but I figure documentation should be accessible to future announcement doers in case its useful.
Here's an outline of what the current process for announcements is:
-Announcements are kept in the announcements folder of the Tech Squares google drive folder. To make new announcement docs, I just copy the Announcements Template and rename it to the dates. I try to have a couple weeks out copied, but in practice I make the docs about a month at a time.
-Officers are encouraged to submit their announcements to the google doc. They don't always, so sometimes I have to check with them if there's something I know is coming up. I've set a deadline of 6pm Monday for getting announcements into the google doc, so I can send it Monday night. Announcements should be send Monday, but if you want to move the submission deadline up to earlier Monday or Sunday night, you can - just let people know when it is.
-On Monday I change the various fields marked in orange.
Caller/cuer: You can assume Ted is calling if you haven't seen anything on t-s-o about someone else calling. Phil generally calls, but we sometimes have someone different on the last Tuesday of the month.
Adjectives: The club likes adjectives when we thank the caller/cuer. I generally choose them from the Announcement ideas (Responses) list (in Announcements folder) and put X's next to what I use.
What rooms we're in: You can look this up on our website at If class isn't happening, skip the where walkthrus are line
What early rounds is: We follow the schedule for what Phil does each month. Check there, but sometimes it doesn't tell you enough (ex. when it's cuer's choice). It might be worth encouraging Andy to let you know what it's going to be or to edit it himself when you don't know. After the first week of the month, rounds are the same for the rest of it, except if we have a different cuer for the last of the month. Sometimes, it will get announced ahead of time, in which case you can copy it, but sometimes it doesn't. If you can't figure out what it is, it's okay to omit what's being taught.
-Sending email announcements: Before you send them out you should check that all the announcements for the email are listed in the annoucements this week list. It's nice to check for glaring errors in what people submit, but it's not a big deal. Then copy the email into your email client, and send it to tech-squares@ with some sort of vaguely information subject line. It will probably get caught in the filter, so either you can approve it through yourself, or someone will. Sometimes it does weird things to formatting so it's worth checking what it looks like before you let it through. If you want, we can also make it so it doesn't catch your mail for approval.
-Spoken announcements: Copy the spoken announcements part and send it to squares@ and to whoever's doing announcements - this should be sent to squares@ by the jobs coordinator, if it hasn't been sent by when you're sending announcements, just send it to squares@ and someone will forward it to them.
So that's how I've been doing it. It seems to work pretty well. If you want to collect announcements a different way, that also works.