Inventory of the gotchas
ACD Quarterly Averages need to use only working days
- the Monthly Pivots worksheet has pivots that just average whatever they see in the acd-per-day tables. If you leave in weekdays with zero values because they were holidays, then the quarterly averages are dragged too low. Remove any lines with zero days.
- Use the ACD monthly-gate-traffic report files to count the number of working days in a month. Use that number to determine the divisor of all these something-per-day statistics.
Dashboard Pivot Tables of multiple queues swerve if N of Queues changes
- summary totals for a certain column in a many-queues pivot table, as in the VoIPHelp dashboard, may misalign if new queues enter the picture in a certain month, or old queues disappear in an alphabetically sorted list. Check that totals on the front page are still pointing to the correct columns in the data page.
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