Instructors set up the recitation sections for a class, which includes entering the following information:
- The number of sections and the maximum number of students per section
- Whether or not students can choose or switch sections
- The teaching staff for each section
- The meeting time and location for each section
It is not necessary to enter all section information in one pass. Enter the information you have, then edit the sections later to include additional information.
Directions to Create a Section:
- Click the 'Membership' tab on the navigation bar or click 'Website Settings', then click the 'Manage Sections' tab.
- The Manage Sections page is displayed. Click the 'Add/Edit Sections' button. Setting up a section is a 4-step process:
- Step 1: Specify recitation parameters*
- Number of Recitation Sections: Enter the total number of sections you want to create.
- Maximum Number of Students: Enter the maximum number of students per section. Note that this number will be overridden by pre-reg section data or batch section assignments.
Suggestion: Include a few extra slots in each section so that the last student to sign up is not stuck with a time slot that does not work. - Allow Students to Switch: Check this option to allow students to both choose a section or switch from one section to another.
Tip: If you check this option, also advise students to read the help topic "Choosing or Switching Sections." - Last Day for Switching: Enter the last date on which students can choose or switch sections. Select a date using the calendar or the dropdown lists.
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When finished, click the Next button.
Step 2: Enter section names and teaching staff:
Tip: Any time you want to save what you have done so far and exit the setup, click the Save and Exit Setup button.
- Recitation Section Name: (Optional) Edit the default section name (r01, r02, etc.). Although changing the section name is not required, descriptive names are more helpful to class members. The section name will appear in the class navigation bar, on the section's Homepage, and in the breadcrumbs.
- Leader's User Name: Enter the section's leader's MIT email
- Assistant's User Name: Enter the emails of the leader's assistants, if applicable. For more than one assistant, separate user names with a comma.
Click the Next button.
Step 3: Specify Schedule and Location
Enter each section's meeting time and location:
- Section meeting times and location can be imported from pre-registration MITSIS data at the beginning of the semester.
- Changes in section meeting times or location must be entered manually by the admin, instructor, or TA of the site.
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Click the Next button.
Step 4: Review
- Review the setup. If necessary, click the Back button to return to an earlier page and make changes.
- Click the Save and Exit Setup button to save the sections. (It may take a minute or so for Stellar to set up the sections.)
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Once the setup is complete, Stellar lists the sections on the navigation bar.
Tip: You may control which sections are listed on the navigation bar on the Manage Sections page. See [Editing Section Capacity] for details.
Note: You may also Automatically Assign Students to Sections based on Pre-Registration Data.