Interactive ServiceBroker Interface
The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the [Service Description|].
* [AgentCloseExperiment|]
<span style="color: black">Agent to ServiceBroker call, coupon is from the original ExecuteExperiment collection and is used to route to the issueing SB. Closes an Experiment on the ServiceBroker, if an ESS is associated with this experiment the ESS experiment is closed so that no further ExperimentRecords or BLOBs can be written to the ESS.</span>
* [ClientCloseExperiment|]
<span style="color: black">Client call that requests that the ServiceBroker Close an Experiment , if an ESS is associated with this experiment the ESS experiment is closed so that no further ExperimentRecords or BLOBs can be written to the ESS.</span>
* [CreateExperiment|]
<span style="color: black">Creates an Experiment on the ServiceBroker, if an ESS is associated with this experiment the ESS experiment is opened so that ExperimentRecords or BLOBs can be written to the ESS.</span>
* [DeleteClientData|]
<span style="color: black">removes an client item from the user's opaque data store</span>
* [GetAnnotation|]
<span style="color: black">Retrieves a previously saved experiment annotation.</span>
* [ListClientDataItems|]
<span style="color: black">Enumerates the names of all client items in the user's opaque data store. This is performed for the user's current client as stored in the session state.</span>
* [LoadClientData|]
<span style="color: black">returns the value of an client item in the user's opaque data store</span>
* [OpenExperiment|]
<span style="color: black">Opens an existing Experiment, if an ESS is associated with this experiment the ESS experiment is opened so that ExperimentRecords or BLOBs can be written to the ESS.</span>
* [RequestExperimentAccess|]
<span style="color: black">Uses the credentials granted the experiment specified by the opHeader to check access to the requested experiment, if allowed a new ticket collection is started to access the requested experiment and optional ESS records. Returns null if access denied.</span>
* [RetrieveExperiment|]
<span style="color: black">Qualifies operation access and forwards request to the ESS</span>
* [RetrieveExperimentRecords|]
<span style="color: black">Uses the users qualifiers to select Experiment summaries, no write permissions are created. Valid field names include; userName, groupName, labServerName,clientName, scheduledStart,creationTime, status and experimentID.</span>
* [RetrieveExperimentSummary|]
<span style="color: black">Uses the users qualifiers to select Experiment summaries, no write permissions are created. Valid field names include; userName, groupName, labServerName,clientName, scheduledStart,creationTime, status and experimentID.</span>
* [RevokeReservation|]
<span style="color: black">Revokes reservations that intersect the specifications, may be called from the LSS or USS, but normally is called from the USS.</span>
* [SaveClientData|]
<span style="color: black">Sets a client item value in the user's opaque data store</span>
* [SetAnnotation|]
<span style="color: black">Saves or modifies an optional user defined annotation to the experiment record.</span>