Need a place to put MAP stuff
Subversion repository
*not* tasked with providing a hosting environment, nice as that might be
Host documentation
Gather feedback
Issue tracking
Tie into central services, leverage other people's work.
Want a low barrier to submissions.
Submitted code has to go through a gatekeeper.
What tools do we have available today?
Source repository
SVN - not open to anonymous access
Replicate parts of repository to something open to anonymous read access?
Provide read access via web browser app
push for more? Fisheye?
Need to speak with Garry Zaccheis on this.
Issue Tracking
[for future discussion]
Document repository
Confluence Wiki
plugins available?
(but there is no formal process for requesting them. Ought to identify possible plugins for Carter.)
Code submission
[For furure discussion]
Metrics and Gauging engagement