Collectors and hoarders own lots of things in some single category, and often need an application that helps organize and keep track of the things they own. Organizing a large collection can be tricky and nontrivial, especially if said collection was not well organized from the start. There is currently no quick, simple way to organize and keep track of one's collection in a mobile, intuitive way that is easily generalized to all categories and objects. Most collection organizers rely on recall, as opposed to recognition, causing many collectors to accidentally purchase duplicates of an item. The problem is compounded when a group instead of an individual is managing a collection, or an inventory, where communicating via objects could be through descriptions or through visual aids. This application aims to allow users and groups to view and organize entire collections on the go.
- Make a new collection and add a picture or two to it
- Search the animals collection for a dog
- Share a collection with somebody else
- Add a descriptive summary to the dog item
- Change the name of the animals collection to 'pets'
Iteration 1
User Test #1
- Task 1 - Make a new collection and add a photo or two to it.
- He thinks for a few seconds, and clicks the new collection button
- He fills in collection name with his own name, then realizes the text box was supposed to be for the collections name.
- He adds "'s collection" to the name so that it makes sense.
- He adds a short description and clicks okay. (No pauses here).
- He clicks the add new button.
- He clicks the shutter button to take a picture.
- He clicks it again to take another picture. (I think he thought it would take him to a screen to take a picture)
- He clicks on tags: + to add a tag (he tags a picture of a smily face with Smily001)
- He wants to add another tag, so he clicks + again. he tags it with the date (we don't have it clear that this is automatic).
- He clicks on Ok to save the photo and is brought back to the collections screen.
- He adds another photo
- He thinks the drag out menu is the back button, so he clicks it... instead it opens up a menu. "Uh oh. That's not what I wanted!!" He clicks the button again to close the menu.
- We add a return button and he clicks it to go back to the main screen
- Task 2 -
- stuff
- Task 3 -
- stuff
- Observations -
- stuff
User Test #2
- Task 1 -
- stuff
- Task 2 -
- stuff
- Task 3 -
- stuff
- Observations -
- stuff
User Test #3
- Task 1 -
- stuff
- Task 2 -
- stuff
- Task 3 -
- stuff
- Observations -
- stuff
Iteration 2
User Test #1
- Task 1 -
- stuff
- Task 2 -
- stuff
- Task 3 -
- stuff
- Observations -
- stuff
User Test #2
- Task 1 -
- stuff
- Task 2 -
- stuff
- Task 3 -
- stuff
- Observations -
- stuff
User Test #3
- Task 1 -
- stuff
- Task 2 -
- stuff
- Task 3 -
- stuff
- Observations -
- stuff