Content from the <!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face
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->Report of the DOME Selection Criteria Task Force March 2009<!- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face
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MIT Libraries collection development policies apply equally to both physical and digital collections; Collection Managers and Subject Specialists should feel confident selecting content for digital projects using their existing guidelines.
Because digital project materials are not the ones subject specialists handle as part of their usual selection process for the Libraries' physical collections (which typically focuses on newly published items and gifts), here are additional selection criteria for digital projects.
Candidates for digitization include the following:
- items with unique content
- items with content that is applicable to the MIT curriculum
- items that have MIT-specific access requirements
- items in fragile condition
- items for which there is current or anticipated heavy use
- materials in the DDC collection
- items which would be easier to use or for which use would be enhanced if presented online
- items associated with "triggers" such as an academic department's anniversary