GR6-User Testing
"You heard about a new website for managing bookmarks from your friends and you decide to check it out. You land on a page that you are seeing right now. We will give you a few tasks that aim to test this user interface. Please think aloud and feel free to explore the interface."
(We believe that our landing page does a very good job of explaining to the users what MyWeb is all about so we kept our briefing short and simple.)
The tasks we gave to users were divided into three main categories as specified in our previous reports:
- Creating and Managing the Account on MyWeb
- Interacting with my MyWeb
- Sharing
Each of these three main categories is divided into sub-tasks that we gave to users. Because we wanted to test the behavior of our interface in the absence of explicit tasks, in order to test the visibility of all the features, we decided to change the last user testing to accommodate that. To the last user in the second iteration, we just told about three general tasks and asked him to explore the UI himself, as much as possible.
“Creating and Managing the Account on MyWeb” task contained:
- Sign up for MyWeb
- Import bookmarks from Firefox
- Import bookmarks additionally from Chrome (once user is already logged in)
“Interacting with my MyWeb” task contained:
- Tell us what you think you are seeing now (given immediately after sign up/log in)
- Create a new folder and name it “Classes”
- Add a bookmark for 6.813 stellar page to folder Classes.
- Create a new folder, name it “MIT” and move your bookmark for 6.813 from folder Classes to folder MIT.** Would you expect the bookmark to be present in both folders or only in MIT?
- Remove folder Classes
- Change the name of the 6.813 stellar page bookmark to “UI”
- Find all the bookmarks that contain word “stellar” in their name** What do you expect that search does?
- Where does it search?
- View all the bookmarks you have
- View all the bookmarks shared with you / what do you think that folder “Shared” contains?
“Sharing” task contained:
- Share 6.813 stellar page bookmark with your friend Jovana.
- What do you need to know for this task?
- How would you obtain it?
User |
Creating and Managing an Account |
Interacting with MyWeb |
Sharing the Bookmarks |
User #1 |
User #2 |
User #3 |