President's Report - FY10 Q4

  • DS Accomplishments
    • DCAD exceeded its Q4 revenue goal by 18% (a 16% increase over the FY09 Q4 revenue goal) and its total FY10 revenue goal by 3% (a 21.5% increase over FY09 revenue actuals).
    • MDS team completed renewal of desktop support SLAs for FY11, increasing growth to 34 DLCs and 310 contracted hours.  This is a 13% increase in DLCs and a 7% increase in contracted hours from the levels at the beginning of FY10.
    • DDM team continued the steady growth in DLC full charge deployments.
    • DCAD implemented an Idea Bank instance for House Dining to enable DSL to get feedback from the community on House Dining.
    • DCAD completely reprogrammed the Getfit@MIT web application. The site was moved to Drupal and a completely new design was implemented.
    • DCAD kicked off the discovery and development of a FileMaker departmental academic program administration system for the EAPS, CEE, and BCS Graduate programs.
    • MDS and DDM teams completed the final Dell CFI Windows XP image (Build D5D12)
    • DDM team completed the DDM Realignment Project and hosted a DDM Community Breakfast meeting with our customers outlining the new team and our services.
    • DDM  team completed Asset Recovery pilot with Apple, the last step in finalizing an asset recovery program for the computers deployed through the desktop renewal program.
    • MDS team completed the Exchange migration of TechTime users within DLCs that have desktop support contracts
    • DS Plus successfully completed the migration of VIP (70 users) client base into Exchange environment, including the hardware and software upgrade preparation work required before migration.
    • DS Plus assisted with the completion of upgrades of the network and VoIP phones in President's Office, VIP offices.
    • DCAD presented several topics at the 2010 IT Partners Spring Conference (Search Engine Optimization, Managing an IT Project, What You Need to Know for a CMS Project, Using Social Media for IT, When to Use FileMaker Server)
  • DS Issues and Trends
    • Requests for DS related services (desktop renewal, desktop support, database development, web development) are continuing to increase as DLCs look towards FY11 and explore alternatives to their current high cost of support and development.
    • The number of desktop support SLAs in the next few quarters are increasing as DLCs increasingly “outsource” to MDS for their support, a cheaper option to hiring their own full time support.
    • More departments are purchasing machines through DDM, which DDM handles as department-funded deployments.
    • We continue to get requests for more CMS then static websites.

FY10 Q3

  • DS Accomplishments
    • In conjunction with ITSS, DCAD assisted a number of DLCs with problems related to hacking, security, and MIT guidelines on web sites and FileMaker databases that were all originally created by external vendors outside of the DCAD development process.
    • Revised the DCAD development process adding Development Manager Role and updated DCAD Requirements documents
    • Finalized a program with Dell (Custom Factory Integration) which allowed Dell to supply MIT with machines preloaded with an MIT imaged and asset tag.
    • Many MDS Team members stepped up to take over work that needed to continue after the retirement of the former MDS Team Lead and while the search for the new team lead was occurring.  Specifically, Marshall Spriggs, Albert Wang, Peter Milt, and Justin Fleming did a great job making sure the RT queues and SLA daily assignments occurred.
    • DCAD has acquired new Search Engine Optimization (SEO) expertise, applied it on projects for 3 DLCs (New Century Cities, MIT Investment Management Company, and the Center for Real Estate), and presented it to the Web Pub group.
    • Finalized the DDM Realignment initiatives and changes to our services in the area of Preventative Maintenance.
    • Hired Rashard Bryan as the new Team Lead for the Managed Desktop Services team
    • Assisted many of our DLCs and customers prepare their machines for the email migration to the new MIT Exchange system
    • Continued analysis on the feasibility of an asset recovery program
    • With fewer staff, DCAD achieved total revenue levels for FY10 Q3 that were 38% higher than FY09 Q3. Contributing factors to this increase in revenue include fewer projects that were larger and more complex; and an increase in SLA contracts
    • Received training in Windows 7
    • Beta tested FileMaker 11 for FMI
  • DS Issues and Trends
    • We have seen an increase in more time intensive cases related to machines infected with viruses and malware requiring complete system rebuilds and restoring data from backup.
    • Requests for DS related services (desktop renewal, desktop support, FileMaker development, web development) are increasing as DLCs are starting to explore alternatives to their current high cost of support and development.
    • Requests for a content management services are increasing as people look for more functionality than static web pages can provide.
    • Work related to preparation for the Exchange migrations has increased as the date for the retirement of TechTime draws closer and DLCs are scrambling to be placed on the migration schedule.
  • DS FY10Q4 Goals
    • Implement process for Asset Recovery for IS&T and community (carried over from Q3)
    • Complete VIP Exchange Migrations (carried over from Q3)
    • Meet year end revenue goals
    • Continue to improve internal operations and work flows
    • Implement new and improved processes for our service delivery
    • Improve tracking and reporting mechanisms

FY10 Q2

Chris Lavallee's email to Patricia Sheppard, Elaine Aufiero and (dated 1/7/2010)

SUBJECT:  DS FY10Q2 report


Hi Elaine and Pat,

Here is the DS report. I also noticed that there was some overlap with the SD on some of the items. – Chris

IS&T Quarterly Senior Staff Report – for the period 10/1/2009 through 12/31/2009 (Q2 ‘10)
Operational Area
Client Support Services
CSS Headquarters (HQ)
Service Desk (SD)
Faculty Student Experience (FSX)
Application User Experience (AUX)
IT Security Services (ITSS)

Departmental Services (DS):
• The internal changes to DS have improved coordination, communication, and efficiency between the DS teams.
• The development and implementation of the new tracking database has improved the tracking and reporting for the computer deployments through the Desktop Deployment and Maintenance group.
• Successfully created and maintain standard MIT Mac, Dell, and VMWare images for use in desktop deployments and support. We have also integrated the MIT Dell standard image into the Dell ordering process to allow for an MIT imaged machine to be shipped from Dell that is ready for deployment.

• Deployed a FileMaker Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system for the Deshpande Center. This system will be used as a model for other CRMs in development.
• DS successfully supported MIT’s Accreditation Evaluation committee in partnership with the President’s Office

• Migrated out individual Drupal sites to a Drupal Mulitsite deployment set up.

• Completed migration of all of the DCAD virtual servers from Xen to VMWare

• Upgraded Bomgar to the next version compatible with Windows 7. Started testing WebEx remote desktop support functionality.

• Participated on software release efforts for Windows 7, MacOSX Snow Leopard, TSM, MS Exchange

Goals for Next Quarter
• Meet or exceed revenue goals.
• Finalize the new DCAD and DDM business plans and the Asset Recovery Project.
• Expand the availability of the MIT standard Dell image to more customers and orders.
• Respond to the IT@ MIT recommendations: centralized and standardized purchasing of computer hardware.
Issues and Trends
• Web projects are becoming more complex with new user requirements. Many require functionality beyond what the Athena’s free web hosting environment can provide.
• Meeting or exceeding revenue goals and service levels with more limited resources.
• Requests that begin as a request for assistance on an existing FileMaker database are more frequently ending up with DCAD Managed Hosting and support agreements.


FY10 Q1

From: Chris Lavallee <>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2009 11:44:26 -0400
To: Patricia Sheppard <>
Subject: DS Q1 Report info

1) Here is the link to the DS accomplishments:
2) I have attached the DCAD, DDM, and Plus documents with info.
3) On the MDS side: we lost that Team Lead; despite the budget cuts in many DLCs, we held the number of SLAs and expected revenue steady (some areas added and some dropped).
4) Here are the DS FY10 Goals:

Please let me know if you need any more info.
– Chris
Chris Lavallee
Manager, Departmental Services (formerly DITR)
Information Services and Technology, MIT
Office: (617) 253-0195

Important: IS&T IT staff will NEVER ask you for your password, nor will MIT send you email requesting your password information. Please continue to ignore any email messages that claim to require you to provide such information.

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