This example has been copied from here.

Instruction how to fire simple hadoop map/reduce using pythin user mapp & reduc to accomplish  word counting
1) -
2) Upload tar-ball and unpack mapper & reducer, place both in this directory, make them executable.
  chmod +x
  chmod +x
3) unpack  big text file, upload to HDFS,  e.g.
  hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal 4300.txt gutenberg
  hadoop dfs -ls
4) find location of java streamer, make a shortcut
 export SJAR=/usr/lib/hadoop/contrib/streaming/hadoop-0.18.3-14.cloudera.CH0_3-streaming.jar
5) fire haddop w/ 2x 'file'
 hadoop jar $SJAR -file $(pwd)/ -mapper $(pwd)/ -file $(pwd)/ -reducer  $(pwd)/ -input gutenberg -output out2
If it does not work, skip  'file's and try again
6) get results back:
 hadoop fs -ls
 hadoop fs -get out1/part-00000 outX0
7) to controll # of mappers=3 & reducers=5 add:
 hadoop jar $SJAR -file $(pwd)/ -mapper $(pwd)/ -file $(pwd)/ -reducer  $(pwd)/  -jobconf -jobconf mapred.reduce.tasks=5 -input gutenberg -output out4

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