Sample Fabrication
n-Si(100), ρ = 1-10 Ω-cm
Implantation conditions
Au, 50 keV, 5e14 /cm2 dose
Pulsed laser melting
Spot |
Spot size |
Laser used |
Shooting conditions |
Result |
A |
2.5x2.5 mm2, masked |
Harvard YAG, 355 nm |
1 shot @ 0.7 J/cm2 |
good |
B |
2.5x2.5 mm2, masked |
Harvard YAG, 355 nm |
1 shot @ 0.7 J/cm2 |
dirty spot, bad TRR |
C |
2.5x2.5 mm2, masked |
Harvard YAG, 355 nm |
1 shot @ 0.7 J/cm2 |
good |
D |
2.5x2.5 mm2, masked |
Harvard YAG, 355 nm |
1 shot @ 0.7 J/cm2 |
good |
E |
2.5x2.5 mm2, masked |
Harvard YAG, 355 nm |
1 shot @ 0.7 J/cm2 |
good |
Measurements and Processing
Sample 2A
- 6/4/2012 UV-VIS reflection measurement on crystalline and amorphous spot
20120604 UV-VIS reflection Au 2a.Sample.Raw.csv
20120604 UV-VIS reflection Au 2a amorphous.Sample.Raw.csv
- 6/5/2012 UV-VIS transmission measurement on crystalline and amorphous spot
20120605 UV-VIS transmission Au 2a.Sample.Raw.csv
20120605 UV-VIS transmission Au 2a amorphous.Sample.Raw.csv
Sample 2B
- 6/13/2012 FIB-cut TEM sample from clean, uniform-looking area. Bottom (relative to shooting maps) 100 um of spot is now gallium-irradiated.
- 6/14/2012 SEM and EBSD. No evidence of breakdown or faulting. EBSD shows good (100) oriented single-crystal throughout.
Spot 2b tilt 2.tif
Spot 2b 90kx.tif
Spot 2b 300kx.tif
Spot 2b failed fib crater.tif
- 6/15/2012 TEM. FIB sample is unpolished at present, so visible amorphized regions are present on faces of coupon. Nevertheless, sample is single-crystalline and free of stacking faults and cellular breakdown.
Lowmag offaxis 8.jpg
Very low mag.jpg
Lowmag offaxis 6.jpg
Highmag offaxis 3.jpg
FFT of Highmag offaxis 3.jpg
Highmag offaxis 4.jpg
FFT of Highmag offaxis 4.jpg
Highmag offaxis 5.jpg
FFT of Highmag offaxis 5.jpg
Highmag offaxis 6.jpg
FFT of Highmag offaxis 6.jpg
Highmag offaxis 8.jpg
FFT of Highmag offaxis 8.jpg
Sample 2D
- 6/5/2012 Raman measurements
Sample 2D raman.xlsx