What you need to do IT-wise when you know you'll have a new hire at MIT

Getting IT resources for new hires at MIT often seems like a mystical process.  Hopefully equipped with the right knowledge ahead of time we can help make the process as easy as possible.

The Action Timeline

Things need to be done in a specific order in insure a smooth and quick start for new hires.

  1. T-minus 1-2 weeks to start date: Get the MIT ID number for the new employee. This ID number is the absolute first step. Nothing happens without this number. Email this number to the new hire.
  2. T-minus 5-2 days before start date: Have the new hire register their MIT Athena Account. This step is critical. It takes between 36 and 48 hours for the user's credentials to populate through all of IS&T's systems. If the user doesn't register their MIT Athena account until their start date, it will be another 2 days before they can gain access to any administrative systems since their credentials won't be in the appropriate MIT IS&T systems.
  3. On the start date, have the user's email accounts set up on all computers and devices. Add them to any shared calendars.
  4. On the start date, ALL web browsers the new hire will use (Firefox, IE, Safari, etc) should have the MIT Certificates and MIT Certificate Authority installed.
  5. On the start date, have the new employee attend a new employee orientation and/or go over the new employee orientation website.
  6. On the start date, contact the appropriate people in IS&T to give the new hire access to any administrative systems they may need for their jobs.


Computer work on the new employee's First Day:

  1. Create the new user's computer account (if the new user is a temp, we may be asked not to create a new user account). In the event the user is a temp and will use the same account, we will rename the account for the new user.
  2. If an account is created for the new user, they can also keep using the old user account to access certain files should they need.
  3. Obtain Certificates for the new user at https://mv-ezproxy-com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/ca/ in the browser they would need. Certificates need to be obtained for each browser the user intends to run.
  4. If a new user account is created, copy the folder "Files To New Employee" to the Documents folder of the new employee's user account.
  5. If a new user account is created, copy appropriate local email folders from the old user's account in Macintosh HD/Users/username/Library/Mail/V2/Mailboxes (where username is the user's Mac account name) on the Mac to the new user's email account folder in the new user's Mac account "Library/Mai/V2/Mailboxes/" folder.
  6. Launch Apple Mail in the new user's account to build the index from the old emails. After it does this, add the new user's email account settings.
    1. If the machine is running Mac OS 10.9: http://kb.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/confluence/display/istcontrib/Setup+OS+X+10.9+%28Mavericks%29+Mail%2C+Calendars%2C+Contacts+and+Notes+for+MIT%27s+Exchange+Environment
    2. If the machine is running Mac OS 10.8: http://kb.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/confluence/display/istcontrib/Setup+OS+X+10.8+%28Mountain+Lion%29+Mail+6.x,+Calendars,+Contacts+and+Notes+for+MIT%27s+Exchange+environment
    3. If the machine is running Mac OS 10.7: http://kb.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/confluence/display/istcontrib/Set+up+Mac+OS+X+10.7+%28Lion%29+Mail+5.x,+iCal+and+Address+Book+for+MIT%27s+Exchange+environment
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