GR2 Analysis
Amberlee is a high school freshman looking for a book. She only likes fantasy, but she hates wasting time that she could be reading by looking for a good book.
Individual Design Sketches
Design 1
Most complex design, probably the best one I did.
Design 2
Sorted by genre, with a "likes" system for ratings.
Design 3
Super simple, optimized for efficiency but lacking in features
Carlo Mannino (cmannino):
Design 1 (Desktop)
Design 2 (Handheld)
Design 3 (Non-screen display; for vision impaired)
Design 1
Straightforward App focused on recommendation. Trying to make that process the fastest. App itself makes recommendations of what you would like based on a book you liked that you search when searching for recommendations. I.e. users can say "if you liked x, you'll probably like y" so anyone that likes x can search it and find the y.
Design 2
Website designed for librarians. Quick access to popular books, can keep track of what they have in stock in their library online. Also can recommend books to their students through online application. Can see the list of books they've recommended. Straightforward design, simplistic although I misdrew the navigation pane that should be on the left.
Design 3
Designed to be ultra safe in the respect of keeping the students and their privacy safe. Only friending people from school and not letting others see books you have read, etc. This was the "extreme" design because I was thinking of students who have super protective parents, and an app they would let their children use. Pretty straightforward design, otherwise.
Storyboards and Analysis
Storyboard 1:
Storyboard 2:
This was a super efficient storyboard. In it, Amberlee presses find, picks the fantasy genre, and scrolls to find a book. The idea was that the only typing would be entering the name of a book (possibly writing a summary). That way, users who are in a hurry at a book store would only have to press buttons. In class, it was suggested that a dropdown menu or auto complete would have actually been more efficient.