Note: this page was originally posted (as stated below) by Alex T. Vai on the team wiki.
Added by Alex T Vai, last edited by Alex T Vai on Nov 10, 2007 (view change) function doAddLabel(hideTextfieldAfterAddParam)
function onAddLabel()
function showLabelsInput()
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// if there is javascript support, enable the [Edit] link that enables AJAX label adding/removing functionality if (document.getElementById('editLabelsLink'))
Mainstream Ideas:
10% Plan for No-Take Reserves
Can achieve these goals:
Academic "The Journal of Marine Protected Areas" (J. Mar. Prot.)
Recycling funding into maintainence of MPAs
Zoning Programs Outside of No-Take Reserves
"Newer," "Crazy," and/or "Radical" Ideas":
Fair Trade Fish
Similar Programs have been tried in the past, but have had problems with implementation (EcoLabeling, for instance). Has large education potential for developed countries: