Multi-Mission Study
We have a possibility to make one-to-one comparison of a few nearby, relaxed clusters with 6 different satellites (XMM/EPIC, CHANDRA/ACIS-I, ROSAT/PSPC, Suzaku/XIS, Swift/XRT and NuSTAR).
- This is the original project plan. Needs update.
- Jukka's talk in IACHEC 2016 meeting
- Request to the IACHEC community
Average residual ratios of the four clusters analysed so far (A1795, A2029, PKS 0745-19 and Coma.
In the right panel the ratios are further scaled to unity at 0.75-1.0 keV. Each line corresponds to one instrument per EPIC-pn.
- Jukka's talk in IACHEC 2015 meeting
- Jukka's talk in IACHEC 2014 meeting
- Jukka's talk in IACHEC 2013 meeting