Cleaned-up Notes: HIVE:LEMELSON FOLLOWUP NOTES 10:19.docx
Original Notes:
Possible filters:
- Other invention organizations/competitions
- Local/national
- Subject Matter: Business, Technology, Science with another dropdown (Physical Science, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Life Science, Chemistry, General), Math, Social Studies, Art, Engineering, Entrepreneurship – dropdowns that are closed so people can not choose them if they don’t want to
- Grade Level/Age Group -> Dropdown, check all that apply – individual (K – 12)
- Location: In-School (course-specific)/Out of School (summer school, after school) – tied to a course (like summer credit or enrichment) –
- Setting: Classroom, After School, Camp, Museum, Library, Club, Youth Organization (Boy/Girl Scouts, YMCA)
- Type: Course, Enrichment, Field Trip
- Time/duration: hours/week
Subject Matter
Grade Level
Content Type (posts, podcasts, videos, course, webinar)
“Invention can happen anywhere” – trying to surface all the different ways that people are trying to teach invention
“Inventing for everyone!”
Tagline: ”A Community For Invention Educators”
Create a Post Format:
Links: 3 max
Attachments: 5 max
Topics – dropdown menu to make it look better
Create a Project Format: some fields will be required (Title, Issue/Problem)
Issue / Problem “I’m solving” – “What problem are you solving?” – “What problem were they working to solve?”
Invention –“What did your students invent?”
Process/Activities: “What was the invention process?” “What were your experiences?” “How did they go about inventing?” “What was their inspiration?” “Things I had to teach” “Minds-on knowledge / Hands-on skills used” “Tell us your story…” Story-based – starting fields, jumping “Great failure” off field going forward
Another object – a “snapshot moment” – posts, videos, courses, podcasts – right now in Projects area, only have room for one object –
“Eureka moment!” light-bulb symbol – easily shareable object – good for social media
“What was your Eureka moment?”
Dev wise – revisit multiple pictures for projects
Limit: 500 words
Member Sign-up: Necessary
Set of items that you absolutely need:
FN / LN:
Edit Profile: Optional
Grade Level:
About Me:
Location: City/State/Country
Social Links (LinkedIn, Facebook)
When can Master teachers be on call to start populating… December?
Would love to have this live à January – important – shoot for January live date
First step: run through designer, see how pages will look
Second step: run through developer
Another option: make dev site available to master educators before it goes live – start populating in December, then hit a live button with link from Lemelson website to this site in January
-- Next step à share designs as Ning prepares them; send them along to