This is not the full instructions on how to catalog OA items. Listed below are a selection of quick hints to help you remember what to look for in specific situations. For the full instructions and best practices see Metadata Practices (OA)
- OPEN out PDF and check against the DOI and information we are given from acquisitions.
- Note if our version is Final Published Version or Author's Final Manuscript (this will help you determine how to enter metadata in some of the fields).
- Check the MIT Directory (if found, use this form of name).
- Check the OA collection in DSpace (if found, use this form of name).
- If not found in either location, use the form of name found on the item.
- Use what is given on the item.
- Use what is found in the MIT Directory listing for the MIT Authors.
- Check the FileMaker for the correct form of the corporate name.
- List each affiliation only once.
- Use the earliest date that the item was made available to the public (either online or in print).
- EXAMPLE: Published Online: October 2009; Issue date: January 2010 (2009 October will be entered as the publication date)
- If all you have is a conference date, use it as the publication date.
- If you have publication date and a conference date, use the conference date as the submitted date (See How to: IEEE).
- The submitted date is one has been provided by the publisher.
- EXCEPTION: FINAL PUBLISHED VERSION ONLY - use the revised date, if one has been provided by the publisher.
- EXCEPTION: AUTHOR'S FINAL MANUSCRIPT ONLY - use the date on our version (if different than the publisher information).
- SEE This Page for information on determining and creating sponsorship statements.
How to: Copyright Statements
- Add a copyright statement if "Final Published Version" is entered as the Manuscript Version.
- Add the copyright statement to the end of the citation in the citation field.
- EXAMPLE: Citation. (c) 20XX Publisher/Society
- EXCEPTION: DO NOT add a copyright statement if the Author(s) hold(s) the copyright.
How to: LNCS (and other Springer Series)
LNCS are conference proceedings that are published as books in the LNCS series.
The ABOUT tab form the DOI page will provide much of the information needed to catalog the item.
- Journal Title: Use the title of the book (Research in Computational Molecular Biology).
- Dates:
- Published date: use the SpringerLink date for the chapter (2010- May).
- Submitted date: use the conference date (2010-April).
- Identifiers: Enter ISSNs and the ISBN (0302-9743; 1611-3349; 978-3-642-12682-6).
- Citation: Include both LNCS and the book title (Danford, Timothy et al. “Discovering Regulatory Overlapping RNA Transcripts.” Research in Computational Molecular Biology. Ed. Bonnie Berger. LNCS Vol. 6044. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010. 110-122.).
- Description: Enter conference data (14th Annual International Conference, RECOMB 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, April 25-28, 2010. Proceedings).
Rules used prior to DSpace@MIT upgrade (Spring 2013). Some rules may still apply.
How to: SPIE
- Journal Title:Proceedings of SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering; v.#####
- Publisher:
- Dates:
- Citation:
How to: ACM
- Journal Title: Place acronym at end of title in parenthesis.
- For example: CHI EA '11 Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. This is entered as: Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems (CHI EA '11).
- Publisher:
- Dates:
- Citation: Use ACM REF in the right hand column for citation. This box will offer several citations, so be sure to choose the correct one.
How to: IEEE
- Journal Title: If it is a conference please add to the front of the title "Proceedings of the".
- Publisher:
- Dates: If dates are not on the PDF use "Date of Current Version" for Published date and "Date of Conference" for Submitted Date.
- Citation: Will need to add the proceedings' title to citation, do not include "Proceedings of the"
- Sponsors: The "Sponsored by" on the DOI page (just before the abstract) is not considered a sponsor for our purposes - do not add to the item record.
How to: APS
- Journal Title: Do not need to use the full names of the Physical Review journals. use Physical Review A, Physical Review B, Physical Review C, etc. (earlier practice that is being maintained for consistency)
- Publisher:
- Dates:
- Citation: