System Requirements
Chrome (version 26+)
Webcam (laptop webcam is better for this task) is needed for backend part of drawing
Prototype hyperlink
Team members' contribution
Rustem Feyzkhanov: drawing_page.html - the whole process and steps with backend
Anastasia Uryasheva: main page, final page, part of drawing page frontend.
Alexander Ivanov: search page, technique page, initial preparations page, the whole process of searching for pictures and techniques (parsing configuration files, outputting the images and descriptions)
1 Comment
Sarah E Lehmann
Usability: It would be nice to include either an autocomplete in the search bar or some sort of ""browse techniques"" page. In addition, there's no way to go back to the home page after searching. In addition, none of the levels in the ""choose level"" popup are clickable (I would have at least expected the one lesson to be clickable. As far as the actual lessons go, it would have been nice to receive additional feedback about what each of the red circles means, but I know this would have only made the backend more difficult to implement. Also, the webcam tilt seems to skew the image a bit--what was once a circle on the page becomes an oval. This is definitely an interesting way for artists to interact with the software, but some of the details need work.
Completeness: The page behaves weirdly upon resizing. Given that this is an art site, the images shouldn't be skewed out of proportion.
Thanks for all your hard work this term!