Prototype working session
- Dave mapping out SWRT views
- other views will be specked out as we go
- need input for different kinds of bundles (see Service Portfolio User Stories)
- support
- finance
- what things would we want to see grouped together?
- what can we identify as reusable parts?
- bundles attached to configuration items and offerings, and will roll up to services
- an item is updated only in one place
- portfolio as system of record?
- master lives in portfolio?
- need to link out to wikis and Hermes right now as that is where a lot of the information is stored
- files and attachments can be uploaded
- need version control and snapshot capability?
- reporting
- some staff would be view editors
- need to revisit whether ad hoc reporting is a requirement
- views are basically the queries staff would want to run already built
- need to look at what navigation we want to see
- need to decide what fields could use drop downs, widgets, etc
- need to determine additional roles within the system
- need to prototype down to the configuration item and beyond to know if this works
Next Steps:
- team to edit and add data by next team meeting 11/21
- Oliver: Exchange
- Chris: Cyrus IMAP
- Pat: Touchstone
- Dave: SWRT entries
- catalog reconciliation meeting 11/17
- review catalog drupal structure and content