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Conducting the User Test

TODO: Describe how you conducted your user test. 

User Population

TODO: Describe how you found your users and how representative they are of your target user population (but don't identify your users by name).

Task Briefing

Users were given a quick overview of Discover.Me, which included the motivation for improving the creation of impromptu meetings, locating participant whereabouts  and being able to easily view the RSVPs of each participant. The users were also shown the video which we used for the Madness Demonstration, as it included an overall picture of Discover.Me, as well as a voice-over.

Usability Problems

TODO: List the usability problems you found, and discuss how you might solve them.

Overview of Usability Issues Observed

Presented with the Tutorial Screen

Finding a Friend in your Friend List or on the Map

Adding an Individual into your Friend List

Creating and Inviting Friends to an Event

Responding to an Invitation by Proposing a Change In Time

General Comments




Detailed Observations


Presented with the Tutorial Screen

Finding a friend in your Friend List or on the Map

Adding an individual into your Friend List

Creating and Inviting Friends to an Event

Responding to an Invitation by Proposing a Change in Time

User's General Comments


  • The user had no problems with the tutorial.
  • User exhibited no difficulties identifying the correct icon in the action bar, thanks to both the the tutorial and the correct affordance provided by the button.
  • The on-screen message said "Friend has been Added". The user was then surprised to find his friends list still empty.
    (Confusing the User)
  • When the notification bar displayed the counter, the user then understood that he had actually sent a request and had just received confirmation.
    (Good Visual Variable)





  • The user was tapping on the arrow image pointing to the next button, as opposed to the next button itself, in trying to proceed to the next step in the tutorial. 
    (Confusing the User, Unclear Affordance)
  • The user wanted to have a way to search for a friend, either through the friend's list or a search bar. This would improve the efficiency of locating someone as opposed to manually tapping each marker.
  • Upon receiving the notification that his friend had added him, the user proceeded to tap on the notification, as he saw the ">" arrow.
    (Good Affordance)
  • The user was tempted to press the "Delete Friend" button, and he said that it was the first thing that came to his mind when he saw the profile page.





  • The user had no problems with the tutorial.
  • The user expressed concern that in the event that many of his friends were clustered close to one another, that it would be hard to locate a particular friend. He later discovered that the map's zoom levels implemented direct manipulation for panning and zooming, and expressed satisfaction.
    (Learning by Exploring)
  • The user wanted to know where his newly added friend was after adding him. However, the friend took a while to locate where his friend was.




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