Permissions are controlled via the Permissions page. This page is available only to those with space administrator privileges in the space. Navigate to the Permissions page via:
Browse Space
--Space Admin
Some Examples
- If you want your site to be viewed by anyone in the world:
- Give 'view' permission to 'Anonymous'
- Give 'view' (or better) permission to the group 'confluence-users'
It is not recommended to give more than 'view' permission to 'Anonymous'. If you do find that you need to, say, give 'comment' permissions to 'Anonymous', you should monitor the space by placing a watch on it.
- If you want restrict your site to the MIT community only:
- Give 'view' (or better) permission to the group 'mit-users'
- If you want restrict your site to a specific Moira group (or groups):
**See [