File cabinet inventory (in Nicole's office)
gift cards
- usability rewards: 2 Techcash cards, 3 Amazon cards ($25 each)
- Trader Joe's snack cards for UX meetings (2 cards, $15 each)
misc hardware
- 2 Apple bluetooth wireless keyboards (use with iPads, iPhone, or Macs)
- 1 lightning to VGA adaptor the the UX iPad mini (hook to projector)
- 2 Flip cameras
- 1 iPod Touch (first gen), with case and charging cable
- 1 extra USB charging cable for iPhone or iPod Touch
- IPEBO document camera (USB), with software on CD
- Zagg iPad bluetooth keyboard case
- one unknown cable (mini USB)
- one extra Nook cable
- headphones that came with Samsung Galaxy Tab
e-readers & tablets in small file cabinet
- Nook color (3)
- Nook Touch (2)
- Kindle 3 (1)
- Kindle Touch (1)
- Kindle Fire (1)
- Google Nexus 7 - Android tablet (1)
- Samsung Galaxy Tab - Android tablet (1)
e-readers in Nicole's large file drawer (were public loaners)
- Nook color (2)
- Kindle 3 (2)
- Kindle 2 (1)
- Kindle 1 (no longer works)
iPod Touch
#1 - Darcy
#2 - Stephanie - new one with camera
#3 - Stephanie's old iPod Touch (stored in Nicole's office for now in the ereader drawer)
iPad, version 1
#1 - Jenn Morris for kiosk project. (was Darcy's, then Melissa's)
#2 - Patsy B. (was Stephanie's)
#3 - Amy S. (was Remlee's)
#4 - Anne G. (3G) - (was Lisa S, then Dan S)
#5 - staff loaner - loaned to Howard for use by Georgina L. as of Fall 2012
iPad, version 2
#1. Darcy - black, green cover
#2. Georgiana - black, no cover
#3. Stephanie - black, orange cover
#4. Deb M. (was Lisa S.) - 3G version, black, black cover
#5. Melissa F - black, green cover
iPad, version 3
#1. Remlee - black, orange cover
#2. Daniel S (SCS budget, not UX)
#3. Heather M (SCS budget, not UX)
Bluetooth keyboard
#1 - Nicole's file cabinet
#2 - Stephanie
#3 - Nicole's file cabinet (was Darcy's, then Melissa's)
Flip Video cameras
#1 - Nicole's file cabinet
#2 - Lisa Sweeney
Livescibe pen
(records audio to MP3, writes on special paper for taking notes)
#1 - Lisa H. has it for interviews for Digital Scholarship study
Barnes & Noble Color Nook
#1 - staff loaner
#2 - loaned to public
#3 - loaned to public
Kindle 3
#1 - staff loaner
#2 - loaned to public
#3 - loaned to public
Samsung Galaxy Tab (android tablet)
- Nicole's file cabinet
Nexus 7 (new android tablet as of summer 2012)
- Nicole's file cabinet
Kindle Fire
- Nicole's file cabinet
new Kindle Touch
- Nicole's file cabinet
- iPad Mini
Stephanie has it as of Nov. 26