How To Please Ron/Brain
- Keep updating the parts tree (include experiments)
miRNA Sensors (Theory)
- Anaylze Low Sensor miR-144 sequencing results
miRNA Sensors (Lab Work)
- Restriction Digest
- MAV1212-hEF1a-L7ae / that other shit in the fridge
- Golden Gate
- High Sensor miR-30d (I13 & J13)
- High Sensor miR-146a (I5 & J5)
- High Sensor let-7f (1.13 & 1.14)
- High Sensor miR-125b (A3 & B3)
- Low Sensor miR-144 (E5 & F5)
- Low Sensor miR-181c (G7 & H7)
- Low Sensor miR-144-miR-181c
- Transform
- pEXPR: MAV1212-TRE-L7ae (LR)
- pEXPR: MAV1212-hEF1a-GAL4VP16 (LR)
- pEXPR: MAV1212-TRE-GAL4VP16 (LR)
- Re-suspend Low Sensor miR-144-181c oligos
- Anneal Low Sensor miR-44-181c oligos
Low Sensor miR-144 did not pass quality control for sequencing
After annealing the double input low sensors, the didn't nanodrop well