MIT Tech Reports & Working Papers DSpace Item Metadata Information Model
Required Elements
Template Labels |
DSpace field |
Cardinality |
Field Type |
Definition |
Usage Notes |
Workflow Text (DSpace) |
Authors | |
1 or more |
Variable (String) |
all authors |
Enter the names of all authors of this item (include MIT authors). |
MIT Authors |
dc.contributor.mitauthor |
1 or more |
Variable (String) |
MIT authors only |
Enter only the names of MIT authors of this item. |
Title |
dc.title |
1 and only 1 |
Variable (String) |
a name of a given resource |
Transcribe title as found on the document |
Enter the main title as found on the document |
Date | |
1 and only 1 |
Variable |
date of issue |
YYYY-MM-DD (may only have year) |
Enter the issue date of the item or the anticipated publication date. |
Series |
dc.relation.ispartofseries |
1 or more |
Fixed |
Series name and number |
two entry boxes one for the fixed series title and one for the number – the two values should be concatenated into a single dc.relation.ispartofseries field when submitted |
Enter the series title and enumeration for the item. You may enter more than one. |
Publisher |
dc.publisher |
1 and only 1 |
Fixed (String) |
Publishing DLC |
static - set by collection administrator |
Publisher |
Ordered Authors |
dspace.orderedauthor |
1 and only 1 |
Variable (String) |
Sequential ordering of authors on the paper |
Enter names in published order. Separate names with semicolons (i.e., Last, First Middle; Last, First Middle). |
Enter names in published order. Separate names with semicolons (i.e., Last, First Middle; Last, First Middle). |
Type |
dc.type |
1 and only 1 |
Fixed (String) |
Type (either Technical Report or Working Paper) |
static - set by collection administrator |
Recommended Elements
(include if present)
Template Labels |
DSpace field |
Cardinality |
Field Type |
Definition |
Usage Notes |
Workflow Text (DSpace) |
Abstract |
dc.description.abstract |
0 or 1 |
Variable (text) |
abstract |
cut and paste from item |
Enter the abstract of the item. Note:The final item will not display enhanced text, paragraph breaks, or other HTML markup. Some re-formatting may be appropriate. |
Sponsor |
dc.description.sponsor |
0 or more |
Variable (String) |
Direct sponsorship |
Enter the Sponsor |
Contributors |
dc.contributor.other |
0 or more |
Variable (String) |
associated DLCs |
Enter the names of contributing DLCs. |
Description |
dc.description.none |
0 or 1 |
Variable (String) |
Free text. Use for additional notations (e.g., notes on revisions) |
Enter any additional descriptive information about the item or associated files. Note that this information will be publicly viewable. |
Identifier |
dc.identifier.note |
0 or more |
Variable |
Series number (not MIT) |
may have additional report numbers and ids |
Enter any additional report numbers and ids not associated with MIT. |