Basic Macros

This plugin includes basic macros for linking and formatting content.

This plugin includes the following macros:
  • anchor - Create an anchor that allows people to link to a specific point in a page.
  • quote - Generate blockquotes that may contain multiple paragraphs or complex markup.
  • noformat - Create blocks of text where other wiki formatting is not applied.
  • panel - Draws a panel with an optional title and border.
  • color - Change the colour of the contained text.
  • loremipsum - Insert paragraphs of "lorem ipsum" space-filler text.
  • nolink and - Suppress rendering of a CamelCase link.

Create an anchor that allows users to link to a specific point in a page. An anchor is composed of the link and the content you are linking to (anchor).

The Code

The anchor :

{anchor:My Anchor}

The link:

[#My Anchor]


Generate blockquotes that may contain multiple paragraphs or complex markup.

The Code

Some quoted content}


The Noformat Macro displays a block of text in monospace font with no other formatting.

The Code

Some non-formatted text.



Draws a panel with an optional title and border.

The Code

Default Panel:

Some content.

Panel with a dashed, colored border:

Some content.

Panel with a title and solid, colored border:

{panel:title=My Panel|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=blue}
Some content.

Panel with a colored background and title:

{panel:bgColor=#FFCCFF|title=My Title|titleBGColor=yellow }
Some content.



Change the color of the contained text. You specify the color using the color name or hexadecimal code.

The Code

Some colored text.

Some more colored text.


Some colored text.

Some more colored text.


The Nolink macro allows you to enter a web address or URL, without the browser automatically hyperlinking the URL.

The Code



Error rendering macro 'deck'


  • No labels