This WIKI is written from a modeling perspective, which is probably new to you. Before you begin to look around, it would be a good idea to get familiar with a few of the basic modeling concepts to orient yourself. This page will help you to get started. It will also introduce some of the conventions used in the wiki.
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WIKI-specific Notation
As you read through this wiki, you will periodically come upon boxes containing four types of comments:
Yellow boxes contain notes. They are intended to emphasize important points or explain topics that are commonly confusing.
Red boxes are warnings or cautions. They point out common mistakes.
Blue boxes contain information that is related to the topic of the page, but is not necessary to understanding the topic. These may be skipped without fear of missing vital information.
Green boxes contain tips for checking solutions.
Modeling-specific Notation
Some terms which are used in traditional physics, but take on a larger significance in modeling are:
model — In modeling physics a physical model describes the system, the state of its constituents (including perhaps geometric and temporal structure), their internal and external interactions, and has Laws of Change that determine the changes of state (i.e. behavior). Models combine the definitions, concepts, procedures, interactions, laws of nature and other relationships that model some aspect of the physical world. Models intermediate between laws of nature, which are relationships among abstract quantities, and experimental/experiential reality.
interaction — When one object exerts a force that may change the state of motion (translational or rotational) of another object, those objects are said to interact.
You can click on the terms to see their definition pages, which contain more detailed definitions.