Chaperoned users
- Any person can use/tour the facility (without training) if chaperoned by a member of the Tow Tank Lab (Triantafyllou advisees)
- This is best for a one-off experiment. However, since we don't have a lab technician, we are not really paid to do this. Please be patient, and if you come more than 2-3 times, we'll request that you become an unchaperoned user. We reserve the right to deny chaperoning you if we are otherwise busy with our own research obligations
- Your chaperone will add the experiment time to our Google Calendar
Unchaperoned users
- To become an unchaperoned user:
- You must get permission (email is fine) from Michael Triantafyllou
- You have to schedule lab-specific safety training with the lab EHS rep (currently Jacob Izraelevitz
- You must know how to swim
- Unchaperoned users may
- Open the doors (we'll give you the door code)
- Use the labspace next to the big tank at any time
- Only when scheduled - mount to the carriage, tank walls, or small tank
- Only if a buddy is with them - enter the water
1) Anyone outside the group planning on using the labspace unattended must go through lab-specific EHS training.
Scheduled VS Unscheduled Time